Read PDF The Committee of 300 This is the Truth for what happened to us as nations and where we are heading under this One World Government of Piracy led by the Crown in England secretly !!


The Crown in England Head of the British Imperialism is the head of the One World Government & the head of the committee of 300 leading the rape , genocide & theft against humanity !

Watch this video & read this book


Like Churchill who killed more than "165 millions people" in India ONLY .. with wars , Piracy , starvation , torture & rape and Churchill used to call the people in India beastly people as he said " I hate Indians, they are a beastly people, with a beastly religion. Famine or no famine, they breed like rabbits"-Winston Churchill the war criminal , the slave to the Crown in England to genocide the people in India and around the earth to steal their wealth !


What happened to India is happening now against every nation !!

World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !

Watch !


This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !

CO2 is not dangerous this is a LIE & Deception !

We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity !

The Crown in England is the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & infiltrated every government around the Earth !

Please watch and read this is the truth and we are heading


Watch this video this human lady reading important part in this book where we are heading to total tyranny , no free will & the end of individual rights , no ownership of automobile , no ownership of any precious metal coins of any kind and all coinage shall surrendered in given time to the government of the One World Government which is the head of the committee of the 300 which is the Crown parasites in England the descendants of Queen "Victoria" the recluse .


Also in this book The Story of the Committee of 300 the following :

- Britain has controlled the United States, beginning from soon after

the War of 1812, and continues to exercise control over this

country through the policies of the Committee of 300.

- To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and

engender total political chaos.

- To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of

the United States.

- Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from

within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations

represented by them.

- Creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6,

commonly known as M16 and Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate

with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.

_ The greatest danger arises from the mass of

traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of

the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the servants of

the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions within our

governmental structure..

- Profiling is a technique developed in 1922 on command of

the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA). This

became the core of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau .......

Again Read this book this is where we are heading

The Crown in England Head of ( Piracy , Freemasonry & Satanism ) infiltrated every government on Earth & USA


Reading part in this book announcement of the One World Government !!

A One World Government and one-unit monetary system

under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self

select from among their members in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All

laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts

practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One

World Government police force & a One World unified military to

enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist.

The system will be on the basis of a welfare state;

those who are obedient & subservient to the One World

Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who

are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared

outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them.

Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.

Only one religion will be allowed & that will be in the

form of a One World Government Church, which has been in

existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, Luciferianism &

Witchcraft shall he recognized as legitimate One World

Government curricula with no private or church schools. All

Christian churches have already been subverted & Christianity

will be a thing of the past in the One World Government.

To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or

any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as

republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people !

Also in this book this announcement :

The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligar-ethical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law!

Courts of punishment and not courts of justice shall exist. Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nuclear powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth's resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia. Euthanasia for the terminally ill & the aged shall be compulsory.

Attempts to trade "old" coins, that is to say silver coins of previous & now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles. Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles. If the offense is a serious one, the card will be seized at the checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter & employment medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw. Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down & shot on sight !!


"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ..

Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "..

This means the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) , & with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other venom and poison , & poisoning the people mind with fake news & with synthetic telepathy beamed via satellites to make nation against nation for depopulation !

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* All symptoms of flue like symptoms , like fever , rash , low immunity , coughing , difficulty to breathe is because the radiation poisoning with directed energy weapons attacks ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers )

Watch video Attacking humanity pulsating 5G while we are asleep


Attacking humanity pulsating 5G and more to cause many diseases like cancer , autoimmune diseases what they call the "cow mad disease" is directed energy weapons attacks against humans and animals to cause fear their is scary virus as germ .. This is not true as there is no virus as germ as they did not isolate any virus in human history !!!

* Dr Bryan Ardis talking Nano King Cobra snake venom poisoning in the hospital injections


"Dr Bryan Ardis " from USA , mentioned in his interviews that the elevated D - Dimer is a sign of clotting & snake venom poisoning and all the people died of COVID19 injections all had elevated D - Dimer !

Also COVID19 is Cobra Venom Induced Death & Dr Bryan Ardis mentioned that they are using 19 deadly protein peptides from snake venom , marine snails , any venom to shut down the internal organs & each protein peptide target certain internal organ & controlled with nano technology via satellites !

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Thank you, honesty and integrity are still powerful. Bless you for your service to us all.

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How were you not elected?

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Well, on election night some boxes of votes for Foyle went missing.... turned up much later at the police station.... all entirey by accident, nothing meddled with, no foul play at all.

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Please listen carefully to Brother Peter Dimond on www.vaticancatholic.com

As he discusses the biblical connections to the attempted assassination of President Trump! Inspiring and wonderful information for everybody to Know! Thank you Doctor Ann! ❤️ and 🙏 from Cork! Good bless you and your Loved Ones. Xxx

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Amazing as always, keep educating the people 💜

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