Jun 16Liked by Dr Anne McCloskey

Really sickening what the globalist thug club are doing to people.

Kidnapping, terrorism, instilling fear without any observance of the Rule of Law.

We must fight this tyranny.

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Substack won't let me 'like' your comment, so here's a written like.

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Thank you.

I have had similar problems, including even inability to post a comment, like a comment or open any notes.

It took a couple of weeks, but I wrote to substack support and they eventually fixed it. It was attributed to a bug in their AI that deemed something inappropriate, that was flagged.

They did apologize and fixed it.

Thank you for the like and reply . We are all in this together.

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I've written to Substack many times (over many weeks) asking why I can't like comments anymore. I've even posted a couple of Notes about it.

I got an immediate AI response each time (within seconds) to my questions - but no solution. The block continues.

It's notable that AI is running the show but that the 'problem' is resolved when you get humans to fix it - eventually.

AI is stifling Free Speech, by malevolent human design, in my opinion. It's just another layer of political suppression. AI is a totalitarian tool of oppression.

Thanks for your reply - and since Substack still won't let me like your comment, here's another written like!

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It’s your cache I think. I had similar issues. Clear it and your likes will come back again.

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Thanks, Richard. I cleared the cache, as you suggested. As you can see, it worked!

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Browsers are being asked to do too much work (spying) these days. Glad it worked.

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When I updated my iOS my "like" ability returned after having been gone several weeks. After reading Warrior's comment below, maybe one reason Substack's AI deems a user inappropriate is if they don't have the latest iOS version installed.

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Thanks Tommy. If I'm considered inappropriate and obsolete by Substack's AI then so be it because I'm not upgrading - I'm downgrading towards off-grid analogue organic solutions.

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Same for me. Cannot like it so here it is written! You are strong and building precedents!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Dr Anne McCloskey

The Northern Ireland justice system is totally corrupt just like the majority of politicians. The country is a complete joke run by a bunch of egotistical, brain dead, power-crazed, tyranical morons.

I sent e-mails every few weeks throughout the whole scamdemic saga, highlighting how masks were dangerous and didn’t work, how the PCR tests were useless and were being run at too many cycyles, how vaccine passports wouldn’t work and were a breach of human rights, how the deaths were beinge exagerated by stating anyone who died within 28 days of testing positive were being noted as a covid death no matter what the actual cause of death was, how the whole staying 2 metres apart and curfews were complete nonsense and provided all the evidencence for this.

I got no response. Northern Ireland is basically a banana republic. The vast majority of our politicians couldn’t give a damn about the public. They are just power-hungry muppets with utter disdain for all of us. Their only allegiance is to the globalists and the WEF.

The treatment you had to endure shows how tyrancial this country has become. Keep up the fight, without people like you were are lost.

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Agree re our elected "representatives"-what a joke. We need to keep on challenging them in every way possibe. Keep it up.

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Everywhere is a banana Republic now, including America. It's worth looking into the story behind that expression (basically one large firm getting legislation written or reversed - I think it was reversed first - because they had a testicle grip on the country's banana exports) and observing how closely it mirrors what happens in the US.

BTW, you may want a "not" in your second last sentence, or a slight reordering. I understood it perfectly but I think it says the opposite. :)

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Cheers. My grammar goes to hell when I am angry.

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Yep everywhere!! Up north or down south, Ireland needs the kind of courage you have and are showing Anne. Thanks for all you good people.

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Thank you for sending those emails. Hopefully a group like Canadian Inquiry or better yet an official inquiry like the Scottish Inquiry can archive them as evidence that government officials were presented the truth and willfully looked the other way. The Globalists are in a hurry to begin Pandemic X before people of goodwill can document the abuses from the Covid-19 scamdemic and bring about legislative changes.

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It’s exactly the same in Canada down to every little town. I tried to write a letter to

The editor of our newspaper back a few years ago to simply ask how a certain woke agenda got passed at the city council and the curt email reply was that they don’t respond to hate mail. That was such a shocking and awakening moment. They did me a favor by opening my eyes as to the complete malevolence and corruption in every corner of every country. AND they make sure you never hear any hint of news that it is going on anywhere else in the world

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I think how Trudeau treated the Canadian Truckers proved just what tyrant he is. I actually think Canada is probably one of the most repressive regimes for the curtailment of free speech anywhere. Everything is hate speech to them if it doesn't follow the government narrative.

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The caughts are run by the London law society for the banks. The people must reclaim their courts of law and due process. It’s been all fraud since the law society’s were given custody of statutory laws. Or laws for the birth certificate paper papal people.

Fraud has no statute of limitations and can be prosecuted in perfect time.

The caughts will be tried in the peoples courts - all corrupt practices as opposed to best practices exposed.

We simply need more exposure - hence your experience Anne will serve you well.

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More proof psychopathic control freak PARASITES are ruling our planet. Another reason they want us disarmed. That is the reason none of this was happening in the USA because they are concerned for their own safety. Piece of high velocity lead may have been heading in their direction if they had begun to pull this insanity here. At least from ONE person I can think of.

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This is insane, and Anne is such a remarkable woman. I wish her and everyone working there for truth and justice all the best.

We have the same disgusting nonsense going on in the Canadian courts as well.

Mike Nesbitt and his colleagues openly conspire against the people, and based on a fraudulent premise at that - "the virus" that has never even been shown to exist. Clown world.

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Jun 17Liked by Dr Anne McCloskey

Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia.

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Wow, what a story. Such a strong, brave woman.

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Will look at this later when I get the chance, just wanted to wish you well and say I’m glad you are out. Mind yourself x

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Well done Anne. You're a knowledgeable and courageous woman. May God give us minority of people of courage and conscience the strength and protection we need to defeat this evil upon us. Amen 🙏✊. When I told my family and friends back in March 2020 that we're in the Endgame of a global Eugenics program I was ridiculed and ignored. It would be great to talk to you Anne and also Michael

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Call SinnFein

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Jun 18Liked by Dr Anne McCloskey

Call them what?? cowards?? hypocrites??

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Thanks Anne, and Sam for making this public.

Now the rest of the World can prepare for this to globalise. Bless you for speaking up for the truth.

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Bone chilling.I applaud your courage and intelligence. I wonder if with a system like that the day won’t be far off they could intern you for a minor “offense” for a brief period but then keep you there forever on one pretense after another.

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PS - I’ve seen this behaviour in a judge before - they’re so arrogant they hate anyone who’s intelligent correcting them. But he’s only a judge for a while & he isn’t a just judge. Someday his judging will end & it will be his turn to stand before the real judge who judges in total righteousness & no one will pull the wool over His eyes. He won’t be so smart then...

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I’m just watching this & so glad that you’re now free Anne. I don’t follow the news, as it’s bought & paid for, just like the politicians, so wasn’t aware of all that happened. You’re an inspiration & I hope you get elected. It would be amazing if all the regular politicians got booted out & replaced with independents. Slowly people are beginning to wake up. Remember that for evil to continue all it takes is for good men to remain silent. You have spoken up regardless of the cost & for that you’re to be commended - well done!!

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