The New World Order is the "Monarch Order" & most likely they started this plan since before 1600 as Illuminati infiltrated the British Monarch since ( Elizabeth I ) as it was male Illuminati took the position & character of (Elizabeth I ) hiding behind thick heavy (make up) , a wig , & high neck dresses & not allowing anyone see its body not even after death .. most likely the Illuminati killed the real Elizabeth I since she was a child to carry out this plan of " Slavery , Rape , Genocide & Theft " against humanity .....

They removed all the Hebrew real names from the bible & replaced them with fake names like Jesus and put fiction in the story of the bible ...

King James was a " Pirate " enslaving innocents , "bisexual" , child molester & Slaves Owner and he translated the bible from the original Hebrew according to " His Liking " !

Read about K James !


Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & steal all the Earth ..

See websites about the history of the Royal society !

1) https://royalsociety.org/about-us/who-we-are/history/

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society

This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology ..

"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ..Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison " !

Corona Virus is " The Crown Poison" against humanity

the genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison "either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning ) & with "bioweapons injections" using the poisons as nano technology venom " snake venom etc & by poisoning the people mind with "Fake News " & with synthetic telepathy ( synthetic thoughts ) beamed via satellites to make nations against each other !!

All those presidents around the Earth are "traitors" Satanic Freemasons secretly & they are members of the committee of 300 & slaves to the Head of the Committee of 300 ( Queen & King ) of the Crown in England !

Infiltration of Satanic Freemasonry to every governments & to every religious leaders , to every secret agency , to every top positions in health system , to every media around the Earth ..



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !

Watch this lady reading part of this book Committee of 300 - by John Coleman & shocking truth that the Queen & King of the Crown in England is the head of the Committee of 300 leading the enslavement, genocide , theft against humanity to own all the Earth & it is the continuation of the Imperialism colonised invasions !


Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members & the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !

The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 is the Queen & King of the " Crown in England !

All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the Earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates which is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened in the last 300 years "at least" all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazi or called Zionists ) in every ( governments , religious leaders , Health system , banks , police , secret agencies , military .... ) around the Earth ... their loyalty to the Head of the Freemasonry and the Head of the Committee of 300 which is the Queen & King of the Crown Parasites in England the head of the colonised Imperialism invasions against humanity for centuries !

The Crown in England "infiltrated " ( every government , every top of military , every secret agency , every police , every top of health system , every religious leader , every media ... ) on Earth with Satanic Freemasonry and they stole the science since 1600 to use it as Weapon Of Mass Destruction against humanity to steal all the Earth !

Corona Virus is (radiation & Bio-weapons ) poisoning like what they did in Spanish flue plandemic too


"Amazingly" the Queen & King of imperialism colonised invasions of the Crown in England are also the "Patron" for the "British Red Cross" since 1870 to inject the victims what they wish for secret depopulation agenda & child trafficking under cover of humanitarian aid !


This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !

World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !

Watch !


This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !

CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !

We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!


Princeton's William Happer explains CO2 is no pollutant & infact we have very little CO2 in our environment now !


X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !

"We have no governments" & we are on our own and "we are already in One World Government not announced" & the Crown in England controlling every election since the start in USA and in every country secretly !

"We are already in One World Government " ( Hierarchy Crown Parasites in England - The Pirates ) raping , killing and stealing humanity & they are secretly in place top down control in every aspect of life ... they are using secret communication instead of using cell phone, they are watching every human on earth via satellites and through walls & sending secret silent communication to the cranial cavity of their secret army of the infiltrated governments around the Earth to their conscious mind communication called V2K voice to skull technology ( Synthetic Telepathy to the conscious mind ) secret silent communication !

Every puppet in right or left & every media are on this instant secret silent communication with the Crown Military industrial Complex to mislead the people with lies news , this election as usual all theatre while every government around the earth killing their citizens by rolling out the 5G, 6G.. & attacking their own citizens with directed energy to make the people have cancer & to push the victims to "suicide" because this is the plan that the governments & the health system will discredit the victims that they are " imagining" being attacked directed energy weapons inorder to push them to "mental institutions" to poison them with the medications or to push them to prison to poison them for secret rape & genocide against humanity while also every government on earth rolled out the death injections following the orders of the Crown Military industrial Complex via this silent communication to their cranial cavity V2K synthetic telepathy to conscious mind !

Read ..Children with V2K Torture none stop harassment to their cranial cavity with voice to skull technology which they are using this technology also a way of " harassment" inaddition as way of silent "communication" with corrupted governments & corrupted media instead of using cell phone !!


The "Imperialism" already hacked our brains secretly by impregnated our bodies with these nano technology at least since 1920s in water we are drinking , in air we are breathing through the chem-trails spraying , in the injections through the first infant vaccines in history & in any injections & medicine including the dental anaesthetic injections all loaded with hydrogel , graphene , nano smart dust to connect us to the satellites ( clouds ) & to the Pirates of the Crown Military Industrial Complex "supercomputer 666" & to control the people brains globally with synthetic telepathy to the subconscious mind by sending synthetic thoughts to make the people feel & think negative against themselves to accept certain agenda or to suicide or to feel & to think negative against each other to kill each other for secret depopulation for the Crown in England !

They hacked our brains via satellites that they see through walls , They see what we see and They hear what we hear & they read the mind !

There is no virus as germ in human history !

They did not isolate any virus in human history !

The infant vaccines is to inject us the nano smart dust , hydrogel to connect us to the satellites via the free energy technology to hack our brains secretly & record all our lives what we see , what we hear and what we say inside our houses & read the mind !

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Very interesting thank you. Have I missed episode 2 somehow? I watched the spiritual battles one- or was that episode 2 and I missed episode 1 ?

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Aug 14Liked by Dr Anne McCloskey

Thank you Mary Anne: keep educating the people 🙏💜

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Thank you both. I can only add, recently, that we might not want to contiunue to prop Google by no longer saying'google it'....other options exist, including Brave, and Yandex, which many recommend. Individual mileage may vary, as usual....best from Oregon and great conversation...

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You are correct. Normally I don't use the "g" word as a verb, and have used Brave for four years. Thanks for the reminder.

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