Membership of secret societies whose aim is to subvert and control humanity by the dissemination of occult and often satanic philosophies have long been the preserve of members of the political, banking and business elites of Europe and America. These dynasties and “bloodlines” in previous centuries wielded immense power due to their wealth and influence. But in large part because of the centrality of Christianity in these civilisations, these fringe worldviews, with their ceremonies and rituals, required to remain hidden from public view. This was due not only to their inherent illogicality, but in no small part also to their practice of devil worship, sacrificial offerings including of children, sexual deviancy, the ritual humiliation of initiates and other such (at that time) countercultural practices.
The secret societies have merged and mutated over time, and have at various times, and in no particular order encompassed paganism, gnosticism, theosophy, freemasonry, esotericism, hermeticism, illumination and good old satanism, albeit with major overlaps in beliefs and in their adherents and advocates. There have been volumes written about the various forms and structures of these systems, and about their proponents, which include people of enormous influence-George Washington, (and reportedly most US presidents who followed), Winston Churchill, Karl Marx, Helena Blavatsky, Charles Darwin, members of the Rothschild family, the royal families of Britain and other European countries, Robert Muller, Blavatsky’s protegeé who directed the UN documents on education, musicians from Mozart and Beethoven to Bowie, and almost of all of today’s icons, authors such as Kipling and of course, Ireland’s own GB Shaw and WB Yeats. The list is by no means comprehensive.
In recent years, we see new iterations of what is basically the same gnostic world-view in New-Age beliefs and in woke and queer ideologies. There is a massive injection of this stuff, which would have a mere generation ago been considered abject lunacy, right into the heart of our culture, and most concerningly into the education system from the nursery schools through to the Universities. It permeates television, films, games and literature, and it is ubiquitous in programmes and products promoted to our children. Thanks, Robert Muller and UNESCO.
UN “Sustainable” Development Goal 4 talks of Education for all, and assures us that no child will be left behind. They may not have access to roads and hospitals, clean water or food, but the UN will ensure that they will have a smartphone 5G access and a digital ID!
Although these various cults, which should not be dignified with the name of religions, differ in emphasis and symbolism, they all have in common a rejection of the Christ’s message of faith, love, humility and repentance and the certainty of God the Creator’s unconditional love for His children. Instead, they worship Lucifer, the Light Bearer, who will reveal knowledge of self, which is the key to true freedom, so that humans can through this gnosis, this enlightenment, become their own gods. This requires the dissolution and destruction of the existing order -is this ringing any bells?-and its complete reformation to the new order, where all will be well. The Novus Ordo Saeculorum. The maxim “solve et coagula” has since Medieval times been the motto of these secret societies.
Men and women and of course the other 72 genders, must undertake the “work” to achieve this dissolution and reintegration, thus gaining access to the knowledge of self, of how the world really is, which was denied to him by God in the garden of Eden. Proponents of this worldview refute the notion of objectivity, of morality, even of reality and truth. They do not recognise the concept of sin-do as thou wilt, might is right. Theirs is a materialistic worldview where opposites merge and cease to be and where chaos is a virtue. These are the age-old precepts of the Owners. The high “priests” of these secret societies are usually anonymous, and members are bound by oaths of secrecy. The initiates are incrementally illuminated with knowledge but the end goal, the ultimate resolution is known only to a very few high-ranking and usually anonymous “grand masters”. Are you getting it yet?
The ubiquity of these philosophies in our culture is beautifully demonstrated in this film- Dualism, the Illuminati Religion, made in the long-gone mists of 2016. It’s well worth a watch.
This interview by the wonderful James Delingpole with a South African practitioner of satanism, now returned to his Christian faith tells us that devil worship is real and is widespread across the world.
The dark agenda behind the anti-life ethos which imbues our culture, an ethos driven by the pagan deity of Pachamama/the Earth-Goddess, who requires appeased by our offering to her the sacrifice of the gas of life, carbon dioxide, makes contraception and abortion now acts of righteousness. Babies are not a blessing but a burden, their “emissions” a planetary threat. Abortion is the new blood sacrifice. Of course the young men, women and children dying in their tens of thousands in Palestine and Ukraine are also blood sacrifices, and driven by the same powers.
Sadly, these gnostic new age ideologies appear to be widely held and promoted in the so-called "freedom movement" across the world, and it seems with particular vigour here in Ireland. This phenomenal cultural coup, over a single generation and including of the “awake” has been facilitated by the infiltration and internal dissolution and subversion - the “solve” of the dialectic paradigm - of Christianity and most aggressively, it seems of the Catholic Church. This a small rocky outpost on Europe’s western seaboard, the first and last colony of the mighty British Empire/City of London, has been the globalist’s test-bed for tyranny for a millennium. It is to be expected that the resistance here would be the subject of particular attention.
It is essential to understand that The United Nations, funded and supported by the Owners of this world in turn fund and support the proponents of this theosophic world view, in order to foster chaos and confusion- their favourite tools. Many in our so-called freedom community on this island, whether by accident or design seem to be propagating the very philosophies of the powers they claim to oppose.
I’ve been to several events recently where icons of the what might be called the Irish sovereignty movement are spouting that self-knowledge and a return to our “roots”, to a pagan culture involving the reassimilation and celebration of our old stories and myths is the solution to our current woes. This is perhaps an over-simplistic interpretation, but it seems to be the contention that a return to our “culture” which they interpret as the ethos of this long-gone mythical past would in ways which are not explained, drive the pushback against the New World Order.
On the contrary, I contend that this thinking comes straight from the belly of the beast, the Grand Architect of the United Nations’ playbook. It’s simply wrong. While seeming to grasp that wokeism, cultural Marxism, victimhood studies, gender ideology and the open-ended alphabet soup of potential sexual deviancy are UN agendas, they seem not to grasp that UN is also sponsoring and promoting the absolute destruction of organised religion, especially Christianity, and its replacement with a One World happy clappy, individualistic, self-absorbed paganism with no rules, and therefore no consequences for our actions. Or perhaps something even darker-they have form in this area.
That the United Nations is a Theosophic Cult, is forensically explained by James Lindsay on his New Discourses Podcast platform.
Yes, I agree that culture and a connection with the past is an important and required conversation. But it needs an acknowledgement of our true history, and not just a nostalgic re-telling of old folk stories. I have at this point to shamelessly plug the amazing comic and commentator Aidan Killian’s heart-warming film, Once Upon a Lockdown. Aidan, I feel gets the balance perfectly-or certainly his devout granny does. After I finish writing this, I’m going to watch it again.
Christianity had been Europe’s bulwark against the secret societies until the disruptions caused by Luther’s Reformation of 1517, and then in 1962 by the freemason-influenced rupture of the Catholic church from her tradition, from the teachings of the Church Fathers such as St Jerome, St Augustine, St Thomas Aquinas and St Catherine, and the introduction of the Novus Ordo Mass by Vatican II. While the council allegedly “did not define any new dogmas” and its aims were described as “largely pastoral” most would agree that it inevitably laid the way for the present day synodal democracy led by Bergolio, and which is aeons removed from the Church of our parents and grandparents.
Likewise, the Church of Ireland and the other Protestant denominations cravenly scrape to woke culture. That no allegedly Christian leader, much less all of our Christian leaders uniting to call with one voice for the immediate and unconditional release of Enoch Burke, a young teacher incarcerated for over a year for refusing to call a child by the biologically incorrect pronoun, is a public scandal. The demons have no real opposition, and grow bolder daily. Our hierarchy are supine. Fr Sean Sheehy, the Kerry native who came back to the Kingdom after 40 years in I think, Wisconsin, and who dared to preach to his congregation about sin and its consequences was given a ballocking and banished by the local bishop, Bishop Brown. There wasn’t a whimper of objection from the successor of the martyred St Oliver Plunkett, Eamon Martin, Primate of all Ireland.
The churches’ pathetic and unscientific response to Operation Covid, including but not limited to the persistence of hand sanitiser in the distribution of what they tell us they believe is the Body and Blood of Christ tells us that they are now but captured corporations. The grounds of Derry’s St Eugene’s Cathedral sports what I call a shrine to a lie- a marble edifice in memory of the people of the diocese who died “from covid-19”. However an FOI in my possession tells us that in the four years of the alleged pandemic, in the entire six counties only 275 people had covid 19, with or without pneumonia recorded on their death certificates as the only cause of death, and that their average age was 84. There is no mention on the marble slab those who died from the withdrawal of their health service, nor from novel treatment protocols, nor the new experimental bioweapons developed using aborted foetal cells. Our hierarchy are utterly controlled.
However, bad as the shepherds undoubtedly are, the Church is all we have. It has been through dark times in the past, and doubtless will endure many more. But it is we believe the Bride of Christ, and we, her members are part of that body. Christianity was most likely brought to Ireland by Coptic Egyptians, and spread by St Patrick and those monks who lived here and who went on to spread the faith across Europe and the world.
This summer, 2024, I met a Nigerian priest, Father Patrick on Lough Derg. He was a startlingly beautiful young man who told me, and I paraphrase his words.
‘This is my first time in Ireland. I love your country. Irish missionaries baptised my parents, my two older siblings and myself. A Nigerian priest, trained and ordained by Irish priests baptised my two young sisters. I owe Ireland so much. Your country gave us the Mass and the Sacraments. I’m here to repay some of that debt.’
Fr Patrick planned on returning home as soon as the Lough Derg pilgrimage season ended. How wonderful, and how far is his attitude removed from the attitude of Derry’s woke Kenyan Mayor, who calls her electorate racist. But I digress.
Towards the end of the “Dualism” video, my internet connection crashed, so I lifted a paperback publication to which I subscribe, called “Christian Order”. It's a great read. The editor Ron Pead, an English Catholic has been calling out the Coronie Balonie narrative, as well as the rest of the globalist - generated pseudo threats which require us to be cold, hungry and poor, for our own good, of course. He also writes and publishes very sound theology.
In his editorial, called “The Invincible Light”, he relates the message given to St Catherine of Sienna, a Doctor of the Church;
"No virtue can have life in it, except from charity, and charity is nursed and mothered by humility. You will find humility in the knowledge of yourself, when you see that even your own existence comes not from yourself, but from Me. For I loved you before you came into being".
Gnosticism is the esoteric knowledge of self, to make us Gods. Followers of Christ know that we are created by God, in His image and likeness, but we are assured of His loving mercy.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
As St Catherine reminds us, self-knowledge means knowing that we are flawed sinners. But we have simply to say “I’m sorry, and I’ll try to do better” and we will be forgiven. It’s that simple.
But it was fit that we should make merry and be glad, for this thy brother was dead and is come to life again; he was lost, and is found [Luke 15:32]
This is how we win every battle.
Spot on Anne. ‘Truthers’ who don’t recognise that we are in the throes of the great spiritual battle foretold are not seeing the truth at all ironically.
Thank you, Anne.
The closure of God’s houses during the plandemic was a terrible indictment of those organisations & their members.
They were publicising to the world their total lack of faith in God, their belief that even in his places of worship he couldn’t protect them, that the natural immunity he gave them was no good. Only Big Pharma could save them. So they went off to receive the devils sacrament.
God was redundant. The devil had won as far as they were concerned.